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January 2004 Archives

Jan 28, 2004  –  That dirty little secret about programmer productivity Bill de Hora reacts to Jon Udell's TDD-article and observes that the 50% of time spent on coding, which the article quotes, would be a number to be proud of. In a non-TDD environment the number ends up closer to 20%. And what is worse: in the non-TDD environment the efforts in the other 80% of time/effort are entirely transient with no lasting assets to benefit from in the future. more >>
Jan 26, 2004  –  Violent Agreement In his blog Patrick Logan makes a very good point that "we have to make a distinction about what kinds of tests we're writing and what kinds of tests we want to automate." more >>
Jan 21, 2004  –  The XPeriment When talking about developer testing in Java, the conversation often shifts to XP and other Agile methods. Thus it happens that we get asked how Managed Developer Testing works with a team doing XP. We feel there is a good story to tell there, but it isn't one we can speak to from first-hand experience. Combine those queries with an "XP-curious" CTO and a couple of internal XP advocates and it is time for an experiment. more >>
Jan 16, 2004  –  Why Is Software So Hard To Test? Start a conversation with any developer about unit testing and, before long, he'll tell you that automated testing is a fine thing in principle but that his code is too hard to test because .... more >>
 –  TDD Reflections from the UnitSide Part II of Wellie Chao´s series on Test-Driven Development on TheServerSide.com exposes some interesting issues that I thought were worth discussing. First, adopting TDD is not trivial. Second, even a good set of unit tests can miss serious bugs. more >>
 –  Continuous Integration, Continuous Agitation With automated tests, like money in the bank, the joy should be the using more than the having. But unlike money, you can use the same test again and again, and we've found that being a spendthrift with our cpu cycles is the best way to get the feedback we need to drive our product quality. more >>
Jan  8, 2004  –  Project OPLA, or: How We Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Agitator™ One of the key moments in the creation of any tool is when you can start "eating your own dog food". After many months of work, Agitar reached that milestone with our own self-agitation project we call OPLA. Today OPLA is an integral part of how we develop Agitator. more >>