April 11, 2007 - Final Days to Register for CITCON Dallas 2007

This Friday the 13th is the final day to register for CITCON, the Continuous Integration and Testing Conference. CITCON Dallas/Ft. Worth will be held Friday April 27th and Saturday April 28th at the American Airlines Training and Conference Center which is right outside the Dallas/Ft. Worth airport in Texas.

CITCON is different from a standard conference in a couple of ways:

If you've ever attended a conference and left feeling that the best part of the conference was the hallway conversation, then you should understand the appeal of the CITCON format. (At least this is the appeal for me!)

Past CITCON events (Chicago & London) had a fantastic mix of people, including CI and testing tool makers, very experienced authors and consultants, new and experienced Agile practitioners. CITCON Dallas promises more of the same.

Hope to see you there.

Posted by Jeffrey Fredrick at April 11, 2007 08:44 AM

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